9:00 - 1.4 миль / 2 минуты - 9:02
Driving through this little Idaho town, you may not even notice the historic streets beyond the highway/mainstreet of Frankin. But drivers who take a slight detour will be rewarded. Settled in 1860 by Mormon pioneers, Franklin is the oldest town in Idaho and will treat visitors to the sights of the past through its architecture. Travelers will notice the Relic Hall, ZCMI Co-op, the Hatch House, the old City Hall, and the Franklin City Park. Visitors may also find the distinct Pioneer Monument, a stone spire topped by an eagle that was erected in 1910 to honor the settlers of this territory. One of the last Yellowstone Markers is found here as well. These boulders featured an arrow welded to the top to point the way to Yellowstone National Park. As you continue your drive through Franklin, notice the hill to the west and its tribute to the year Franklin was settled.
9:02 - 6.9 миль / 13 минут - 9:16
The Oneida Stake Academy is a unique 3-story Romanesque stone building, constructed in the early 1890s. It is topped with an octagonal bell tower making the building all the more intriguing. The building It is one of three out of 35 similar surviving buildings and was used as an academy for the days of LDS (Mormon) Church-sponsored education. It was once a well known place for higher education for the area. It is a key site, portraying the historic Mormon settlement of the area, and along the Pioneer Historic Byway. Moved to nearby Benson Park in 2003 to save it from demolition, it is being restored as a tourist information/community center.
9:16 - 35.3 миль / час 10 минут - 10:27
Geyser Park and Visitor Center
Soda Springs has the only captive geyser in the world. It was discovered in an attempt to find a hot water source for a swimming pool. In 1937, the drill broke through and unleased the geyser. Unlike Old Faithful or many other geysers, this geyser is a cold water geyser. Its power comes from carbon dioxide gas mixing with water in an underground chamber. The geyser is capped and controlled by a timer. It erupts every hour on the hour in the off-season, though they may adjust it to erupt every half-hour in the regular season. The spout lasts about 10 minutes, and reaches a height of 100 feet year round.
10:27 - 4.2 миль / 8 минут - 10:35
Soda Springs has many attractions, the most famous of which is the Soda Springs Geyser, a captive artesian geyser discovered in 1937. It is located on Pyramid Spring, a travertine mound described by Fremont in his 1840s expeditions, along with other area springs. Nearby Octagon Spring is naturally carbonated and drinkable. Nearby, Fairview Cemetery holds Wagon Box Grave, an 1861 burial site for a murdered emigrant family. This site is a central location for experiencing many stories of early pioneer/settlement, and community history.
10:35 - 62.2 миль / 2 часа 4 минуты - 12:39