Shelter Cove

2 дня / 566 миль / 12 часов 55 минут

Join Robin and me for a lovely weekend jaunt to the coast -- The Lost Coast. Our overnight stop will be in Garberville, but we will arrive early enough to run to Shelter Cove for a beach walk and dinner. Shelter Cove is a quaint town with a single road and an air strip as the points of ingress and egress. Everyone is responsible for their own overnight lodging arrangements. Early reservations are suggested.

The ride will feature back roads. The ride home on Sunday will include a brief stop at the Chandelier Tree (the drive-through tree), then Hwy 1 to the coast. The Pacific Ocean will be our travel partner until we reach the Navarro River, where we'll turn inland and head through the beautiful Navarro River Redwoods State Park. Lunch will be in Philo, then more beauty and curvy roads as we pass through Healdsburg, Calistoga, Napa, (and a stop at the Berryessa Glory Hole if the water is still running).

BobПосмотреть больше поездок

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